Steroid Cycles for Beginners Test & Dbol cycle

Steroid Cycles for Beginners

Test & Dbol cycle

Testosterone Enanthate and Dbol cycle is used not only by beginners but by advanced athletes too however dosages differ.
This cycle is good for gaining muscle mass and strength and in combination with hard training and diet high in protein will bring you very good results.
1-4 dbol@ 40-50mg/day
1-12 testosterone enanthate @500mg/week
14-17 Nolvadex @20mg/day
For this cycle you will need:
2 packs of GP Methan 10mg
3 vials 10ml of GP test enanthate
2 bottles of GP Nolva
Good luck!

Dear Ms./Mr.,
Good day. 

(Quality is our culture)

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Hope to hear from you soon. 
Mobile: +86 852 64872529



Masteron (drostanolone propionate)

Post Cycle Therapy

How to Make Injectable Winstrol in Oil with Pictures, next example will be Testosterone Enanthate