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Clomiphene, sometimes called Clomifene is not a steroid, although it is commonly associated with anabolic steroidsClomidbelongs to a class of medications known as Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators or SERM’s with attributes that stimulate and increase the production of gonadotropins in the body. Gonadotropins are protein based hormones that largely derive from the cells of the pituitary gland and are essential for a properly functioning endocrine system. Due to its mode of action Clomid was developed for the purpose of ovarian stimulation, however, because it stimulates all gonadotropins its use can and does go far beyond ovarian stimulation and is often used by many athletes as part of a post cycle recovery plan.

Clomid 101

As a SERM Clomid prevents estrogen from binding to receptors by binding itself to the receptors in its place which can be very advantageous for a host of reasons. By its mode of action Clomid stimulates the release of Luteinizing and Follicle Stimulating Hormones (LH & FSH) by which when stimulated for release in-turn cause the production and release of testosteronethroughout the body. As you can readily see this presents two possible beneficial reasons for any performance enhancing athlete to use Clomid both while on cycle and post cycle during a period commonly referred to as Post Cycle Therapy (PCT.)

The Benefits of Clomid

There are two distinct benefits to Clomid use for the anabolic steroid user and the first is while on a cycle of anabolic steroids. Many anabolic androgenic steroids convert to estrogen via the aromatase process which can lead to estrogenic related side-effects commonly associated with steroid use. Most notably is the side-effect known as Gynecomastia, which is simply male breast enlargement. While Clomid will not reduce the amount of estrogen in the body it will block it from attaching to the receptors and often aid in combating such negative side-effects, however, it will only do this to a degree. Those who are more sensitive to estrogenic related side-effects will often find Clomid to be lacking in this regard as it does not actually reduce the amount of estrogen in the body. To reduce estrogen as well as block it from attaching stronger medication is often needed; in this case the athlete would be better served choosing an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex or Letrozole to meet his needs.
The second benefit of Clomid use is by far the most valuable to any anabolic steroid user and it is during his PCT period. The use of anabolic steroids will suppress natural testosterone production; if we are using anabolic steroids properly and responsibly part of our stack will include a testosterone based steroid; while natural production will be suppressed, while on cycle this is of little concern since exogenous testosterone is being introduced. Once a cycle is complete the game begins to change as bringing back natural testosterone production becomes of the utmost importance. Testosterone production occurs in the testicles of men, this much most understand but production does not begin there. In order for production to occur the pituitary must release adequate hormones such as LH which in-turn signal to the testicles to produce testosterone. FortunatelyClomid acts to stimulate such gonadotropins thereby stimulating natural testosterone production. This process during PCT is not only important regarding our health and overall bodily function but in preserving the gains made while on a cycle of anabolic steroids; when it comes to PCT Clomid proves to be a very valuable asset.

The Side-Effects of Clomid

As is with all medications Clomid does carry with it possible negative side-effects, however, in most cases they will prove to be very mild and often non-existent in the majority of users; it is always important to keep in mind, all medications carry side-effects that are possible, not guaranteed. The most common side-effect is without question blurred vision; while this may be a problem for some Clomid users it will dissipate once use is discontinued. Beyond vision some may experience hot flashes or even abdominal discomfort but both are extremely rare as these negative effects will occur in less than 1% of those who use Clomid.

Clomid & Nolvadex

Clomid and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) are commonly associated together and this is for all intense purposes very accurate. Both Clomid and Nolva as it is commonly known belong to the SERM class of medications and both serve to provide the same benefits by the same mode of action while on cycle, as well as during PCT. The largest difference and really the only one of any significance as it pertains to the subject matter here is in regards to potency. Milligram for milligram Nolva is much stronger than Clomid, nearly 8 times as strong; that’s a pretty big difference. For this reason, if a steroid user is going to use Clomid for any purpose he will necessarily need to use far more Clomid than he would if he were using Nolvadex.

Clomid Cycles & Doses

Clomid can be safely used for long periods of time as its adverse effects are not only mild but extremely rare. Some performance athletes will use Clomid throughout a steroid cycle to combat aromatizing effects as we discussed but aromatase inhibitors and Nolvadex are all far more common for this purpose. Even so, a mild dose of 25mg per day may be enough to combat the side-effects you are trying to stave off but again, for the sake of efficiency an aromatase inhibitor will prove to be far more valuable for this purpose.
As PCT is the most optimal time to use Clomid it is here where we will be most concerned with dosing and duration. Most will find a PCT period of approximately 4 weeks to be sufficient with 3 weeks of the total therapy including Clomid. A quality PCT will generally begin with approximately 10 days of hCG use with Clomid or Nolvadex to follow. Many athletes have successfully completed the PCT period by following their hCG use with one week of Clomid at 150mg per day followed by 2 weeks at 100mg per day. However, for some this will not prove to be enough and another week of approximately 50-100mg may be needed.



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