Best Beginning Steroids Cycle

Best Beginning Steroids Cycle

1. Steroids Beginner Cycle #1
Great effective beginners cycle:
***Deca durabolin – 250-500mg per week for 12 weeks
***Testosterone Enanthate – 500mg per week for 12 weeks
This is a standard begining anabolic steroids cycle recommended by Interpharmserv. Whether you opt for Testonex-E 250 orSustanon 250 is personal choice; both are great drugs made by Genexpharma. 500mg of Deca per week is assumed to be the minimum amount for gains
Continue on this for the full 12 weeks. Review your muscular gains every week.
Nolvanex should be a good choice in case symptoms of aromatisation become apparent. Use Clominex like post cycle beginning at 10-15 days afterwards.
The testosterone and the Deca can be mix into 2-3 shots per week: 250mg of test (1ml) plus 250mg of Deca (1ml) mixed into the same syringe.
Dear Ms./Mr.,
Good day. 

(Quality is our culture)

Alen Gao from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co,.Ltd., China, professional for pharmaceutical intermediates,Steroid Hormone Powders or Chemical raw materials. Such as Flibanserin, Testosterone , Mesterolone, Tadalafil, Boldenone,  Trenbolone,  Methyltesterone, Tamoxifen Citrate,Clomiphene citrate,etc..
We have our own factary, the price will  be very  competitive. We also can ship to worldwide with safe package. With us your money is safe and your business in safe .

Hope to hear from you soon. 
Mobile: +86 852 64872529



Masteron (drostanolone propionate)

Post Cycle Therapy

Masteron Cycle