Beside The Flibanserin Hydrochloride, ​Khloé Kardashian Says, Caitlyn Jenner Wasn't Honest With Family

Beside The Flibanserin Hydrochloride, ​Khloé Kardashian Says, Caitlyn Jenner Wasn't Honest With Family

Edit: Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.    Date: 2016-01-14

Beside the Flibanserin HydrochlorideKhloé Kardashian Says,  Caitlyn Jenner Wasn't Honest With Family
Khloé Kardashian says Caitlyn Jenner wasn't always upfront with her family about her transition from Bruce to Caitlyn. 
"All these tabloids are coming out ... we're like, 'we could ask the source. You're our dad, we'll ask you,' " Kardashian recalled during an appearance Wednesday Howard Stern's SiriusXM radio show. 
Kardashian says her stepparent told the family the reports were untrue, and the family didn't find out about the transition until going to a meeting with E!, when the network mentioned, "Bruce was having a TV show about transitioning or something." 
Kardashian, 31, says at first Jenner, 66, would only talk about the transition to the family on camera, with Kardashian speculating, "maybe he felt like we couldn't get as upset or something." 
The Kocktails with Khloé host says the family was upset by being kept in the dark. 
"We felt so like, 'What the f---? We've been asking you and why do business people know?' " she told Stern. "I never want someone to feel like they have one-up on our family. We are a family. We've never turned our backs on each other yet with all the clusterf---s of s--- that's happened in our lives, why would we now?" 
She also said her reaction to hearing the news was to want to ask Jenner to "just stop lying to us about things. 
"Just lay it on the table, what are we doing?" said Kardashian. "What's happening? Even then he didn't tell us ... we didn't know when he was going to start fully dressing as Caitlyn." 
Jenner revealed she was transitioning in a landmark interview with Diane Dawyer in April 2015. She made her public debut as a woman in a now-iconic Vanity Fair cover in June.

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