The War on Steroids

(By Alen Hao Sales Manager from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.(SZOB))

Through the years anabolic steroids were widely available, even in the U.S. After a time the U.S. FDA would classify them as prescription only but this was basically meaningless; it was only a label and anabolic steroids were still just as widely available; they were yet to be controlled substances. This would soon change; in 1988 the tide began to shift with the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, effectively putting anabolic steroids in more stringent category, one that stipulated severe legal penalties for illegal sale or possession with intent to distribute. For the first time since their inception anabolic steroid possession and distribution was considered a felony in the U.S.

In 1988 the war had just begun and it would reach a fatal blow a mere two years later as the United States Congress would pass the 1990 Steroid Control Act effectively labeling anabolic steroids as “Schedule III", along with amphetamines, methamphetamines, opium, and morphine; as the law now reads, illegal possession of anabolic steroids or distribution is viewed no differently than the after mentioned drugs effectively carrying the same penalties for buying or selling them.

It should be noted, as it has always been a bit of an interesting quam, with the passage of the Steroid Control Act four various Federal entities were called to back and support the bill; the FDA, the AMA, the DEA and the NIDA; all four opposed the ban and denied their support. Unfortunately there isn’t a lot of detail we can give you on this; the federal government blatantly ignored the advice they asked for and reasoning for the lack of support has rarely been spoken of since. However, during the floor hearings for the bill, all four agencies emphatically stated there was no medical or legal reason to call for classifying anabolic steroids as schedule III narcotics.

For the majority of the 1990’s after the original Steroid Control Act, steroid news would begin to take a back seat; according to the “experts” anabolic steroids had been beaten and put in its rightful dead to rot place; they could not have been more wrong. Ironically, it would also be in the 1990’s when anabolic steroids began to see heavy use by the medical community to improve survival rates of AIDS and Cancer patients, when it was discovered that loss of lean body mass was associated with increased mortality rates respective to these diseases . With this discovery some, including the four governing bodies mentioned during the Steroid Control Act have asked one serious perplexing question; if anabolic steroids are bad for you and will kill you if you’re healthy, how is it they are good for you and will save your life if you are sick? Raise your hand if you have a good answer for that one.

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