Clomid Cycle

(By Alen Hao Sales Manager from Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.(SZOB))

For a performance enhancing athlete a Clomid cycle can be very common place but unlike many performance enhancing drugs this particular item is used for a completely different purpose. The strong majority who run a Clomid cycle and by a strong majority we mean nearly all will do so after their anabolic steroid use has been discontinued. Anabolic steroids as you understand suppress natural testosterone production; the degree of suppression can be dependent on which steroids were used and to a degree even the dose (somewhat) but make no mistake testosterone production is suppressed and generally dramatically. Once anabolic steroid use is complete many athletes, the smart ones will begin and complete a period known as Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and it is during this phase in-which the individual is bringing his natural testosterone production back online.
When to start a Clomid Cycle:
When you start your PCT will largely be determined by the anabolic steroids that were being used at the end of a cycle. For example, if all the steroids being used were that of a short ester nature PCT can begin very quickly, often in a few days after the end of the cycle. Conversely, if the cycle ended with long ester gear then the individual will need to wait a period of time; at least two weeks before any Clomid cycle begins. A common question is what if you were running a mixture of long and short ester gear? In this case the answer is simple; you still need to wait at least two weeks, after all, there are long ester anabolic steroids in your system.

The Common Clomid Cycle:
The most common Clomid cycle has generally been a 3-4 week run after the course of anabolic steroids is discontinued. Many individuals will begin a dosing of 100mg per day for a week or two and drop it to 50mg per day for another week or two; very simple and somewhat effective but often this is not enough. There is something many people fail to understand about PCT, the assumption is if you complete a simple PCT plan, once you do your natural testosterone levels will be back to normal and this simply isn't true. There is no Clomid cycle or any PCT cycle we or anyone else can give you that can do such a thing; total natural testosterone recovery takes a good bit of time, the idea behind a Clomid cycle or any PCT plan is to speed the process up, to give your body a much needed tool so it can get there faster and more effectively.

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A Better Clomid Cycle:
You understand when youre supposed to begin your Clomid cycle based on the anabolic steroids you were previously using and now its time to maximize your use. Generally speaking 4 -5 weeks of use will suffice but doses must be higher than they were listed above as this SERM is not nearly as powerful as its cousin Nolvadex on a per milligram basis and that is where many make a lot of mistakes. Its often understood that Nolvadex and Clomid are for the most part interchangeable and the same results can be obtained by either; it is also understood that Nolvadex is stronger per milligram but many often understate this fact. Where 40mg of Nolvadex is a common beginning PCT dose 150mg of Clomid would need to be in its place. A Solid Clomid cycle would include 2 weeks of use at 150mg per day, 1-2 weeks at 100mg per day and 1 week at 50mg per day; perhaps an added week if necessary again at 50mg per day. To make it easier to read:

Week 1: Clomid 150mg per day
Week 2: Clomid 150mg per day
Week 3: Clomid 100mg per day
Week 4: Clomid 100mg per day
Week 5: Clomid 50mg per day
(add an extra week at 50mg per day if needed)
What to Add to a Clomid Cycle:
It is not always necessary but it can be very beneficial; many PCT plans often benefit with the addition of hCG and a Clomid cycle makes no exception. hCG will greatly speed up the recovery process and work in perfect harmony with your other PCT medications. To make this work is fairly simple; if your cycle ends with short ester gear approximately 3 days after use is discontinued you will begin hCG therapy and once it is complete begin your Clomid cycle. If your anabolic steroid use ends with long ester gear you can wait about 10 days before beginning hCG use and then begin your Clomid therapy once it is complete. Generally for most 1,000iu of hCG every day for 10 days straight is just about perfect.

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