Recipes about steroids

            Recipes about steroids
As we know ,the raw steroid powder is more and more popular in all of the world .Its cheap and can make high quality finished products .So more and more people want to cook the powder into injection by themselves . But there is one question ,how should we do it .  
We will present to you the best and most effective recipes for the most commonly used Steroids . You will notice that they are extremely simple - only three ingrediants each time; the Hormone powder, Benzyl-Benzoate and Benzyl Alcohol. But the ratio of these three which is important. I will show you some official recipes today .Hope you can like of them .
Offical list
These should be followed exactly, use electronic scales that are able to weight to 0.01g to ensure accuracy. You will see the abreiviations BA and BB being used in the following recipes. Benzyl Benzoate - BB / Benzyl Alcohol - BA.

Testosterone Enanthate
250mg/ml - 100ml
25 gram Testosterone Ethanate powder (18.75ml)
2ml BA (2%)
10ml BB (10%)
69.25ml Oil

Testosterone Propionate
100mg/ml - 100ml
10 gram Testosterone Propionate powder (7.5ml)
2ml BA (2%)
20ml BB (20%)
70.5ml Oil

200mg /mL - 20ml
NPP powder - 4 Grams
100% EO - 12.6mL
2%BA - 0.4mL
20%BB - 4mL

Tren Acetate
100mg/ml - 100ml
10 gram Trenbolone Acetate powder (7.5ml)
2ml BA (2%)
20ml BB (20%)
70.5ml Oil

10 gram Trenbolone Enanthate powder
2mL BA (2%)
10mL BB (10%)
80.5mL Oil

100mg/ml - 250ml
25 gram masteron Propionate (20ml)
5ml BA (2%)
 50ml BB (20%)
175ml Oil

100mg/ml - 100ml
10g Boldenone Acetate powder (7.5ml)
18% BB 18ml
2% BA   2ml
72.5ml Oil

Methenolone enanthate
250ml for 100mg/ml
25 grams Methenolone enanthate
176.25 ml Grapeseed Oil
5ml benzyl alcohol = 2%
50ml benzyl benzoate = 20%

250mg/ml - 250ml
Durabolin powder  ï¼š  50g (46.8ml)
Grapeseed oil:  124.4ml
BA  3.75ml (3%)
BB  75ml (15%)

OK.If you need more different recipes or detail methods , you also can order some high purity raw steroid powder from us ,please contact :      
Skype: live:alen_358
WhatsAPP: +8618902484839



Masteron (drostanolone propionate)

Post Cycle Therapy

Tren E Steroid Muscle Gain Recipes Trenbolone Enanthate