The recipe of Methandrostenolone(Dianabol)

The recipe of Methandrostenolone(Dianabol)

Dianabol represents one of the most popular and one of the most important anabolic steroids of all time. Without question, this is the most popular oral steroid to ever hit the market and one of the most popular steroids in any form. Why is this steroid so important? In many ways it gave birth to the age of modern performance enhancement.


This steroid will largely provide its anabolic benefits by enhancing protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and glycogenolysis. Protein synthesis represents the rate by which cells build proteins, the building blocks of muscle. Nitrogen retention, this is important as all muscle tissue is comprised of approximately 16% nitrogen. The more nitrogen we retain, the more anabolic we remain. Through enhanced glycogenolysis, we are able to make better use of our total carbohydrate consumption. While in many ways these traits are quite simple, they are strong enough to make Dianabol a remarkably powerful anabolic steroid.
Another important trait of Dianabol and perhaps one of the most important of all is the relationship it shares with other anabolic steroids. Dbol as it’s often called is not what we’d label as a base steroid. Dianabol has the ability to create unbelievable synergy when conjoined with other anabolic steroids. You would have an identical amount of total milligrams of anabolic steroids with or without Dianabol, but the added Dianabol would provide greater enhancement.


1.Dianabol Injecting 100ml @ 50mg/ml
5g powder 
2% BA
18% BB
30% EO
Grapeseed oil 29.4ml 
2.Dianabol Injecting 250ml @ 80 mg/ml
20g dbol (1.12g/ml )17.86ml 
60ml BB
15ml BA
157.14ml Grapeseed oil
Dianabol Oral:
Powder: per 1 gram of Methandrostenolone
Produces: Highest concentration made - 50 mg/ml

· 1 gram of Methandrostenolone powder
· 1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
· 19 ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol
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