HOW TO RUN A CYCLE Edit: Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd. (SZOB) Date: 2016-09-21 I've been getting a lot of questions about how to run a first cycle and instead of responding to everyone, I'm going to just post something here. First off, you should do research. Google search anything you can think of when it comes to AAS - first steroid cycle, beginner steroid cycle, test and dbol cycle, proper pct for first cycle, etc. This is by no means a be all end all guide to running your cycle, but I'm going to post some things just to get people started in the right direction. FIRST CYCLE Your first cycle should be a relatively simple and straightforward one, meaning one, maybe two anabolic compounds, the necessary ancillaries, and a proper PCT. Do not over complicate this one as test will be the base for all your future cycles. Its good to find out how you react to it alone before you add on extra components. I do think running an oral kickst...