Phurchase high purity Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)  raw powder from China

Phurchase high purity Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)  raw powder from China 

Masteron drostanolone propionate Purity Powder  non-aromatizing androgens Men 300-500 mg/week

Active Life: 2-3 days
Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection)
Average Dose: Men 300-500 mg/week
Acne: Yes
Water Retention: No
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Liver Toxic: No
Aromatization: None
DHT Conversion: No, it is a DHT derivative
Decrease HPTA function: Yes
Other Info: Highly androgenic/moderately anabolic/moderate anti-estogenic

Masteron is an injectable preparation containing the steroid drostanolone propionate. Drostanolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, most specifically 2alpha-methyldihydrotestosterone. As a result, the structure of this steroid is that of a moderate anabolic/potent androgen which does not aromatize to estrogen. Water retention and gynecomastia therefore do not come into play with this drug. Masteron may in fact exhibit anti-estrogenic activity in the body, competing with other substrates for binding to aromatase. This would reduce the conversion rate of other steroids, Masteron acting in the same way as the oral steroid Proviron.

Bodybuilders have a strong like for non-aromatizing androgens, and find Masteron very useful in a cutting phase. It is generally used for a number of weeks prior to a competition, in an effort to bring out an improved look of density and hardness to the muscles. As long as body fat percentage is low enough, Masteron should work very well. Provided everything fits as if should, the user can achieve that "ripped" look so popular to professional bodybuilding. The androgenic effect can also be crucial during this period, a time when caloric intake is drastically lowered. The user is provided added "kick" or "drive" to push through the grueling training sessions leading up to the show. Recreational users might also be interested in Masteron. Although dihydrotestosterone is not highly active in muscle tissue, the 2 alkylation present on drostanolone considerably intensifies its anabolic effect. It can therefore be used somewhat effectively as bulking agent, providing a consistent gain of high quality muscle mass. It can also be successfully combined with other steroids for an enhanced effect. Mixing drostanolone with an injectable anabolic such as Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise can prove quite useful for example, the two providing notably enhanced muscle gain without excessive water retention. For greater mass gains, a stronger androgen such as Dianabol or an injectable testosterone would do the trick. The result here can be an extreme muscle gain, with a lower level of water retention & other estrogenic side effects than if these steroids were used alone (usually in higher doses). Masteron could of course be used during cutting phases of training as well. A cycle of this drug combined with Winstrol, Primobolan or Oxandrolone should provide great muscle retention and fat loss, during a period which can be very catabolic without steroids. It is an added benefit that none of these steroids aromatize, and therefore there is no additional worry of unwanted water and fat retention.

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Masteron (drostanolone propionate)

Post Cycle Therapy

Masteron Cycle