Don't Forget Mifepristone, Dating Supergirl Of 'Bizzaro'

Don't Forget Mifepristone, Dating Supergirl Of 'Bizzaro'

Edit: Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co., Ltd.    Date: 2016-02-02

Don't Forget Mifepristone! Dating Supergirl
 of 'Bizzaro'
This week, Supergirl asks if Kara can be Supergirl and still have a life. If you’ve seen any other superhero show, particularly ones in the Berlanti-verse, then you probably know where this episode goes. There are several frustrating parts of the episode, particularly Kara’s answer to the “can she have it all question,” but there are also moments where the show redeems itself and makes you fall in love with it, its heroine, and what she stands for even more.
In the wake of the news clip that ended last week’s episode — the one of Not-Supergirl throwing a car into a mountain — everyone is wondering what is up with Supergirl. Cat, who is in a unusually good mood (she picks up a fancy latte for Kara on the way to work), holds a meeting to figure out how to cover this story. As Cat brainstorms headlines, Kara suggests under her breath that maybe the woman on TV wasn’t Supergirl, and everyone in the room hears her and Cat is immediately in love with that idea. 
Following the meeting, the Superfriends — Kara, Winn, and James — meet up at their secret hideout, and Kara, believing Faux-Supergirl is connected to the comatose girl Hank found in Maxwell Lord’s secret lab, asks Winn to check local hospitals for Jane Does who resemble her. During the powwow, Kara lets the guys know about her date with Adam, and they get really awkward, especially James, who says he’s happy for her but clearly doesn’t mean it. 
Kara and Adam’s date gets off to a pretty good start as Adam expresses his amazement at how much Kara cares about people. Unfortunately, the date is interrupted when the National City Tramway has a mechanical failure and is left dangling above the bay. Kara gives some lame excuse about her grandmother being hospitalized before flying off. Her doppelgänger shows up at the scene of the accident and instigates a fight. “We kill Supergirl,” says the lookalike, whom Cat will later name Bizarro.  Kara breaks off from the fight to save the trolley when it starts plummeting toward the ocean, and Bizarro just hovers there and watches. 
Bizarro’s encounter with Supergirl leaves the former rather confused. See, Maxwell Lord, her maker, has taught her that Supergirl is bad and needs to be killed. However, witnessing Supergirl save all those people has Bizarro reconsidering what’s she been told. But, Max manages to convince her that Supergirl just seems good but is really bad. (Obviously, that’s an apt description of Maxwell Lord.) The way Maxwell treats his Bizarro is very creepy; like why does he keep caressing her hair? 
After leaving the secret chamber where he’s keeping his creation, Max returns to his office and finds Alex waiting for him behind his desk. Winn found out that seven comatose girls matching Kara’s description were snatched up by Prometheus, one of Maxwell’s companies, and haven’t been seen since. Without explicitly admitting to anything, Max explains that if he had created this clone, he would’ve done so by finding some of Supergirl’s stray DNA on the Red Tornado body parts, which Alex lent him, and pumping one of the girls full of Supergirl’s DNA. 
Alex leaves her meeting with Max worried that he knows she’s related to Supergirl because of a thinly veiled comment he made. But, Kara isn’t too worried about it and is confident Max was just bluffing. Moving on to to the topic of Bizarro, Hank and Alex plan to take Bizarro down using Kryptonite because if it shares her DNA, it will also have her weaknesses. Kara isn’t too comfortable with this approach because, well, she’s Supergirl and realizes that even though Bizarro is a science experiment, she was once a human. 
Back at the CatCo offices, Winn and James share a drink and have some quality boys’ time. However, Winn & James Happy Hour quickly becomes Real Talk with Winn when Winn calls James out on his feelings for Kara. Their conversation is fairly awkward and uncomfortable as they both end up objectifying Kara and the word “friend zone” is used.  Winn tells James that he should tell Kara how he feels because he has a real chance with her. 



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