Arms Manufacturers Dominate Dubai Airshow

Arms Manufacturers Dominate Dubai Airshow

Edit: Shenzhen OK Biotech Technology Co,.Ltd    Date: 2015-11-09
Arms manufacturers dominate Dubai Airshow
It is expected to be the biggest yet in terms of visitor numbers and those selling their wares but this year’s Dubai Airshow is unlikely to replicate the success of the previous 2013 event.

Falling oil prices and unrest in some parts of the region have taken their toll – in fact the show is set to be dominated by the presence of arms manufacturers as Gulf states make security a priority.

Boeing, the world’s second largest weapons maker is optimistic that it will finalise an order of Super Hornet fighter jets to Kuwait – but other deals are being put on the back burner.
Although 160 aircraft are on display at the five day event, experts predict one the of the best sellers will be a newcomer to the show, UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones.

As a sign of growth in this part of the market, some will even be taking part in the flying display this year.

Our reporter Rita Del Prete in Dubai said:

“There is a feeling of excitement and optimism in this Airshow, some contracts are already signed but others are only just at the starting point of negotiations. In the next few days we will have a more precise idea of the amounts of money involved.”

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